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The Principles of Art

The classes are small groups with lots of individualized attention at the easel. All levels & all paint medium welcome.

Each 6-8 week session of classes focuses on a fundamental principal and element to making art. Seeing values, shapes, color, and learning how to build a painting from the ground up are pulled through each session. You will discover how to experiment, loosen up as artists, and learn exciting new ways to create alive paintings, and mixed media art. Each session block builds upon the previous, but the curriculum allows new students to begin at any time. The small group makes it possible to accommodate all levels of experience.

Participants work from photo references, whether still life, landscape, objects, or intuition and imagination. Class sessions generally begin with a brief demo or lesson supporting the main topic, and the remainder of each class is lesson application, experiment, and paint time.

Group discussions are integrated into each session.

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